Senior Process Engineer

Lugera & Makler

24-12-2010 | EXPIRA LA 30-12-2010

Job suspendat de catre administratorul site-ului


For one of our clients, a national leader in the IT field, IBM and Microsoft certified partner, activating as a integrated solutions provider, archiving and data management solutions, we are looking for a Senior Project Manager.

Main Tasks:

- Allocating resources in the optimal way and assuring successful implementation of project objectives (time, quality and costs)

Tasks/ Customary responsibilities:

- Supervising project related activities by direct monitoring of technical implementation team;
- Scheduling the activities and resources necessary for objectives achievement;
- Monitoring objectives fulfilment;
- Realising monthly reports regarding projects;
- Assuring information circulation between various activity areas by active participation and preparation at the project meetings;
- Establishing interdepartmental connection for future actions;
- Transmitting unresolved problems to the General Manager;
- Justifying any necessary expenses for project implementation success and obtaining needed approvals;
- Assuring training programs for team members in order to increase their performance abilities;
- Establishing periodical performance appraisals;
- Recruiting and selecting suitable candidates for incoming projects;
- Assisting Logistic and Administration Departments for project supplies;
- Archiving and keeping track of the project related documents.


For our client, a multinational company activating in automotive industry - fine mechanics, we are looking for a Senior Process Engineer.

New product industrialization
Defining the best solutions to launch the new applications in production while respecting MSD targets:
Quality insurance.
FTQ level.
Cycle time.
Cost objective.
Capacity requirement.
Robustness of the equipment.
Lean manufacturing organization of the production.
Identifying the best suppliers for the best applications and for the best results:
Being able to analyze the competence of a supplier and its capability to answer successfully to the problem.
Defining with supplier the most adapted equipment (capability, cost, robustness, efficiency, simplicity).

Respecting the target dates of the project.
Managing the installation of the equipment on production plant and qualifying its correct functioning.
Participating and supporting the PPAP batches.
Supporting the production ramp-up of the equipment.
Production equipment performance improvement
Identifying the production objective (in the MSD).
Analyzing the performance of an existing production equipment (FTQ, Cycle time, OE, MTBF,changeover time,…).


...Lugera & Makler, can I help you?

...enthusiastic and gregarious! ...helpful and present! ...young and smart! ...ah, almost forgot: also good-looking!...

This is in a nutshell the Lugera & Makler team in Romania. Like our colleagues in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Armenia, Poland and Slovakia, we are a bunch of dedicated, happy people ready to face in a natural, positive and friendly fashion all your challenges... a bunch of people at the service of people, unconditionally!

You will find with Lugera & Makler the most wonderful HR company, long-term commitment, full-time dedication on the job, as well as the most extraordinary parties ever.

Whenever in need of a genuine & devoted long-term partner and friend, call us! ...You will sense the eagerness in our approach to be flexible, highly innovative, sharp, non-traditional, supportive and pro- active...! You will feel we are here for you...!

...Thank you for calling Lugera & Makler! ... and paramount important: THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE WITH US!

Address: 26-28 Stirbei Voda street , Union International Business Center II, 1 floor, Bucharest;
Phone: +40 (0)21 3187120, 0800 410 510, 0800 801 001,
Or in Brasov, Ploiesti, Timisoara, Arad, Iasi and Cluj -

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