Project manager - Real Estate Development

Adecco Romania

07-09-2008 | EXPIRA LA 13-09-2008

Job expirat


This role requires the candidate to be able to get involved in all aspects of the construction. He should have enough knowledge of construction means and methods, safety requirements, building codes, inspection requirements, be able to reqad palns, construction details and specifications, so he can plan and monitor complex construction projects, coordinate and deal with architects, contractors, inspectors. He must be able to work on his own initiative assemble his own construction management team or liaise with Construction Management company on behalf of the owner, and provide regular reports to general management.


ADECCO Resurse Umane is searching candiadtes suitable for Project manager for it's client, an american multinational real estate development company.

The Ideal Candidate:

- Formal qualification in civil engineering, construction or Building Management
- Solid track record in European Construction industry with at least 3-4 years experience in the role of controlling the design and construction teams on significant and complex projects
- Highly skilled in all aspects of project management (including pre and post contract negotiations and client liaison)
- The ability of keeping a tight control of budgets and schedules.
- Organised and able to carry a heavy workload
- Be autonomous when required to deal with contractual and time related issues
- Good spoken and written english
- Highly motivated and flexible person
- To accept change and engineer solutions when faced with obstacles


- Attractive salary and remuneration package


Adecco este lider mondial in domeniul resurselor umane, avand deschise peste 6.600 de birouri in 70 de tari ale lumii.
Fondat in Elvetia la 20 August 1996 ca urmare a fuziunii companiilor Adia (infiintata in 1957) si ECCO (infiintanta in 1964), Adecco este administrat de o echipa multinationala ce dispune de o remarcabila experienta in domeniu.
Zilnic, peste 700.000 de persoane isi gasesc un loc de munca prin reteaua Adecco, ca urmare a gamei de servicii personalizate oferite celor peste 250.000 de clienti.
Conform clasamentului intocmit de prestigioasa publicatie Forbes, Adecco este in prezent, una dintre cele 500 de mari companii din lume.
Adecco este cotat la bursele NYSE (ADO), Swiss Exchange (ADEN) si EURONEXT Premier Marche.
Adecco in Romania
Misiune: asigurarea succesului profesional intr-o lume in continua schimbare.
Adecco ofera zilnic solutii flexibile si adaptarea legislatiei in vigoare reusind, urmare a cererilor inregistrate, sa ofere candidatilor sai peste 6.000 de noi locuri de munca, in doar 6 ani de la infiintare.
La baza succesului inregistrat se afla transpunerea in practica a valorilor grupului:
- onestitate si integritate;
- responsabilitate sociala;
- orientare spre nevoile clientului;
- inovatie si creativitate;
- comunicare si spirit de echipa;
- transparenta;
- deplina legalitate