Instalator (sanitare/termice), Belgia

HRT Career

13-04-2016 | EXPIRA LA 13-05-2016

Job expirat


Compania client activeaza in domeniul instalatiilor sanitare si electrice si deruleaza un proiect in Belgia pentru care cauta instalatori cu experienta.

• sa stie sa citeasca planurile, sa stie regulile de baza in instalatii (unde pune goliri, unde pune aerisitoare, unde are nevoie de sisteme de siguranta etc)
• sa stie sa dea filete (cu masina mica electrica pana in 2", reprezinta un avantaj daca stie sa lucreze pe masina de filete mare, cu ambreiaj)
• sa stie sa lucreze cu urmatoarele materiale pentru tevile de scurgere scurgere: Geberit (lipitura cap la cap si electrofuziune), PVC (lipitura cu adeziv sau imbinare cu mufe)
• sa stie sa lucreze cu urmatoarele materiale pentru tevile de presiune: otel (filete si cuplaje rapide - rile, Victaulic), Mepla, Alpex, Henco (sertizare), Manessmann, Viega, Mapress (sertizare, este important sa stie sa foloseasca o masina de sertizat), PPR sau Niron (sa stie sa foloseasca masina de lipit), ABS (similar PVC-ului de presiune de la noi);
• sa stie sa foloseasca sisteme de suporti tip SIKLA, HILTI, MEFA etc;
• sa stie sa foloseasca laserul
• sa stie sa folosesca o pompa de presiune si un compressor si sa stie cum se fac probele de presiune intr-o instalatie
• sa stie sa monteze distribuitoare/colectoare, centrale murale, calorifere, obiecte sanitare (inclusive sisteme Geberit) si mobilier de baie, ventiloconvectoare.


Cerinte minime

• Experienta in domeniu minim 5 ani
• Cunoasterea limbii engleze sau franceze la nivel conversational
• Permis de conducere categ. B constituie avantaj


• Salariu 2255 euro brut
• Relocarea in Belgia este platita
• Asigurare medicala Allianz
• Cazarea, transportul catre locul de munca, si transportul in tara pentru concedii
este asigurat


Jobs and HR Development

Executive Search

One of the most proactive recruitment methods that can help companies to maximize the recruitment process efficiency. Executive search aims to recruit the best candidates in the industry and requires strong commitment and loyalty to the client company. This solution is recommended for positions that demand a consistent professional experience. Candidates are identified and selected by assessing their professional experience and demonstrated achievements.

Search & Selection

This means searching and placing a job advertisement to find the required competencies. The target is to match the people with the right skills with suitable positions, using more recruitment channels and talent pools. Recruitment Area in cross-industries: Automotive, Oil & Gas, Project Management, Quality Management, Technical Laboratories, Business Development, Digital Marketing, Sales, Web Development.

HR Development

The challenge is to build a trusting, open working relationship while holding people accountable for high performance. The focus of HR development projects is on creating a positive culture and leadership skills in order to build a high performance management team. Smart HR development projects address to specific organizational needs in a manner that both serve employees interests as well as employers’.
