Support Engineer (limba germana, Targu Mures)

Job Partner

06-11-2017 | EXPIRA LA 06-12-2017

Job expirat


Providing support to clients regarding technical issues: password reset, internet connectivity issues, emailing options etc.;
Logging remotely to client’s computer and help them solve software issues;
Documenting issues that you deal with on a daily basis into the ticketing system;
Troubleshooting hardware, software and network related issues;
Escalating problems to the next level of support when necessary;
Help the client with all the necessary information.

*The job are located in Targu Mures or Sibiu.


GERMAN – advanced level and ENGLISH knowledge – at least medium level;
Motivation for learning new information;
Ready to acquire new skills (communication skills, technical skills etc.);
A team player that shows adaptability, flexibility and perseverance in managing a good working relationship with clients and colleagues;
Willingness to help people in having continuity in their computer-based activity;
Previous successful customer service experience is considered an advantage;
Strong written and oral communication skills;
Able to communicate problems/issues to customers in a non-technical manner.


Attractive salary package;
Contract for unlimited period of time;
27 days Annual Vacation;
Massage sessions;
Relaxation room (football table, ping pong, board games);
IT and Soft skills trainings provided by specialists;
Opportunity to develop your career – Trainer, Quality Analyst, Team Leader, Project Management, Infrastructure or Application Developer Specialists etc.;
Friendly, fun and young team.


E T I M P U L S A F I I R E M A R C A T !

JobPartner. Pentru ca oamenii conteaza si pentru ca e timpul sa iubesti ziua de luni. Am creat JobPartner din dorinta de a fi mai aproape de oameni talentati ca tine, care merita sa intalneasca angajatori care iubesc si dezvolta cu adevarat oamenii.

La JobPartner veti avea parte de un candidate experience inedit, veti regasi dorinta de a descoperi si cunoaste potentialul maxim de care dispuneti, astfel incat sa va indreptam catre job-uri care vi se potrivesc cu adevarat.

Pentru ca pasiunea noastra pentru domeniul resurselor umane este nestinsa, furnizam cu succes de mai bine de 5 ani de zile servicii de recrutare & selectie si consultanta in domeniul resurselor umane.