Operator Productie Automotive

Coficab Ploiesti

06-05-2019 | EXPIRA LA 08-05-2019

Job expirat


Utilizarea si mentinerea in buna stare a echipamentelor, utilajelor si dispozitivelor din productie
Respectarea datelor tehnice, instructiunilor de lucru, planului de autocontrol si primului nivel de mentenanta precum si a planului de productie pentru realizarea unui fir de buna calitate conform comenzii de fabricatie
Verificarea setarii corecte a masinii si a parametrilor de lucru si alimentarea ei cu materia prima
Verificarea produsului finit/semifabricatului din punct de vedere al calitatii
Respectarea normelor referitor la mediu, igiena, sanatatea si securitatea muncii, PSI, ambient si disciplina in fabrica


Candidatul ideal
Studii medii
Disponibilitate de a lucra in schimburi
Persoana motivata, dinamica si responsabila


Pachet salarial motivant compus din: salariu de baza competitiv cu piata, bonusuri lunare de performanta, al 13-lea salariu, spor de noapte.
Beneficii: tichete de masa, masa calda asigurata de companie, transport asigurat, asigurare medicala, bonusuri de sarbatori, bonusuri anuale pentru cea mai buna echipa.
Posibilitatea de avansare si dezvoltare a unei cariere profesionale
Programe de instruire si training.


COFICAB is one of the most important wire manufacturer for the automotive industry in Europe and Northern Africa, with subsidiaries in Tunisia, Portugal, Morocco, Mexico, China and Romania and the supplier of some of the most prestigious clients in the automotive industry, such as: Ford, BMW, VW, Opel, Audi, Daimler Chrysler, Renault, Peugeot Citroen, Fiat etc.

We behave as “one company, one team, with one goal.” Our values define the way we do business, as well as the way we treat each other. We know we can only build a great company with great people. Therefore, we are committed to “hiring for attitude and training for skill.”

COFICAB is your leading global partner in the design, manufacturing, and sales of automotive cables and wires. COFICAB, a member of Elloumi Group, was founded in 1992 by Mr. Hichem Elloumi. COFICAB has known an incredible national and international expansion, and an unequaled speed of organic growth, since its beginnings as a small Tunisian company. COFICAB is one of the most important wire manufacturer for the automotive industry in Europe and Northern Africa, with subsidiaries in Tunisia, Portugal, Morocco, Mexico, China and Romania and the supplier of some of the most prestigious clients in the automotive industry, such as: Ford, BMW, VW, Opel, Audi, Daimler Chrysler, Renault, Peugeot Citroen, Fiat etc.

Our mission is to create cables for tomorrow’s automotive technologies, while offering innovative and competitive solutions to our clients. Meanwhile, we continue to be an employer of choice and a trustworthy partner to all our stakeholders.

We behave as “one company, one team, with one goal.” Our values define the way we do business, as well as the way we treat each other. We know we can only build a great company with great people. Therefore, we are committed to “hiring for attitude and training for skill.”

We facilitate and coordinate learning and development opportunities, in order to prepare our employees for future challenges. We steer the succession planning process and Leadership programs to meet the objective of always having “the right people, in the right place, at the right time.”